DATE: Sunday 28th August 2022
TIME: 8am-3pm
PLACE: 620 South Pine Rd, Brendale QLD 4500
PRICE: $30 per skater + additional specialty class
This seminar will be focusing on FREESKATE, STYLE, and FREEDANCE Jumps and Spins as well as choreography with World Champion, Jayson Sutcliffe.
- 1x 40 minute class of jumps and spins
- 1x 40 minute class of choreography
An additional Specialty Class for Secondary league and higher skaters will be offered for $5 per class:
- Camel class
- Sit Spins
- Toe loop and Flip
- Salchow and Loop
All skaters are welcome and encouraged to attend, HOWEVER all required Sports Integrity Australia Courses MUST be completed and the certificate submitted to
Registration forms & proof of payment must be received by 5PM Sunday 29th of July.
Please note: There will be no refunds unless seminar is cancelled by the organiser. Doctor’s certificate may be considered.
Coaches – there is no charge to attend as a current accredited coach, as we would like to see all accredited coaches attending and being involved in the seminar. Please use the form below to register your intention to attend the seminar. Coaches (Skate Australia Accredited) must have a current valid blue card linked to Skate QLD Artistic and completed all required certificates and modules as per document – Certificates required and Anti-doping Education AATC [ with check boxesV3 2022.docx. Both are available from your club.
Officials who do not currently compete or have any coaching involvement will be permitted to attend the seminar at no charge. Please use the form below to register your intention to attend the camp.